Sunday, August 24, 2008


As mentioned already...

The carbon issue gets a little stronger each day and regardless of who wins the presidential election both have mentioned cap and trade systems.

In addition by my estimate 98% of our energy locally comes from coal.

So (as mentioned before)...

Even if you do not believe that greenhouse gases cause global warming you can at least admit that economic activities that depend on high greenhouse gas emissions are at risk due to a global consensus on this issue.

In other words...

The rest of the nation and/or world will in very short order cause this to become a bigger issue locally. The thing to do is to either give into the change and begin to change locally or fight the change. If you want to fight the change fell free. I will be going with the flow so that in case you fail we won't be unprepared.

On a personal note...

The "Why" for me is to stop just complaining and commenting and actually get some action going.

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